Astrologer Shruti

About Me

I am a multi - modality practitioner for past 7 years, with a focus on TAROT CARD READING,ANGEL CARD READING, ASTROLOGY, NUMEROLOGY, NLP , CRYSTALS , RUNES Vastu, SWITCHWORD AND many more Divinitions. MY soul purpose is to guide and motivate. people and to help them unmask the journey of their Divine soul. Expertise: Astrologer, Tarot card reader, Numerologies, Crystal Healer, NLP Practitioner, Dice reader , Angel Reader, Vastu Shastra and many more Achievements: Jyotish bhushan, jyotish alankar, fashion icon & business award in vedic astrology certified courses.

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  • swatri ji
    January 12, 2021


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