Fourteen Mukhi Rudraksha

Fourteen Mukhi Rudraksha

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What is Rudraksh? Rudraksh is a bead that is obtained from the seeds of the tree Elaeocarpus ganitrus roxb. It is used as a prayer bead in Hinduism. The seed is mostly used for worshipping Lord Shiva. Rudraksh is made up of two-word combination; Rudra means Shiva and Aksha means teardrop. So when combined, the word Rudraksh means teardrop of Lord Shiva. It is believed that Rudraksh appeared as teardrop from the eyes of Lord Shiva, fell on Earth and formed the tree. The tree is mostly found in the Himalayan region, Nepal, Burma, Indonesia, Java, and Sumatra. The seeds that grow in the tree have vertical lines of it that are referred as the face of the seed.



Fourteen Mukhi Rudraksha

14 Mukhi Rudraksh:

The ruling god is Lord Hanuman

The ruling planet is Mars

“Om Namah” is the beej mantra of this bead


It is one of the most divine gems and is also called the Deva Mani

We all know the qualities of Lord Hanuman and the person can experience strong will-power, courage, and intelligence.

It helps to pacify the Mangal Dosha of the native and also the negative impact of the bead.

These 14 Mukhi Rudraksh beads are the most popular and commonly found beads. It depends upon the interested person to select the one that they want to wear. Some people are recommended to wear the bead as per their birth chart. Astrologers are the professionals who have complete knowledge about the beads and thus can advice the clients about the most-suitable one to them.


  • arnav
    November 26, 2020


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